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A Conclusive Guide to Tanzania Safari Safety

To go on a safari means going on an adventure. As exciting as that sounds, a safari adventure must come with a fair amount of safety precautions. Animals like elephants, hippos, and giraffes might look cute, but coming in close contact with any animal in the African bush can potentially be dangerous.

So let us offer you some solid safari safety tips! 

Tanzania Safari Safety Tips - Huge herd of elephants crossing the road

Safari Safety Tips

Although Tanzania is a safe, hassle-free country, you must take safety precautions and keep up with local travel advisories. Take note of the following safety tips to stay safe in Tanzania:

Two main aspects will determine your safety while going on a safari

  • Knowing what you are doing 

  • Staying safe from the wildlife 

Knowing What You Are Doing

Types of Safaris

Tanzania is an ethereal nation in East Africa, encompassing various safari locations worth exploring. But not all lodges, guides, and reserves work the same. 

The general rule is that you get the services you pay for. But did you know that some experiences are tailor-made for you? If you are craving adventure and want to explore Tanzania, you should look for private safari experiences

Vaccinations and Medications

Most people who wish to go on a safari think that the biggest danger they might face is angry predators. Want to know what’s scarier? Mosquitos. It is the tiny mosquito that poses a bigger threat. The female Anopheles mosquitoes infected with malaria bite and transmit the disease to hundreds of thousands of people in Africa every year.

Thus, you should check for appropriate vaccinations and medications. You should bring antimalarial medication because the risk of contracting the disease is somewhat high in certain parts of Tanzania. If you are wondering what medication is needed, consult a reliable physician and schedule an appointment.

Tanzanian Food

If your tongue is craving adventure, then the Tanzanian palette might be to your liking. While Tanzania can most certainly satisfy even the pickiest eaters, it is best you research the kinds of foods that will be served and make sure you know what you want to try and what to avoid.

The Ultimate Dos and Don’ts 

The Dos 

  • Always listen to your guide

  • Respect the locals and ask before you take a picture

  • Wear plenty of sunscreens. Even on cloudy days 

  • Bring quality sunglasses to protect your eyes

  • Pack properly

  • Wear long-sleeved, lightweight shirts and long pants with closed-toe shoes in the evenings. This kind of clothing will protect you from being bitten by bugs. 

The Don’ts 

  • Never step out of your safari vehicle unless your safari guide tells you it’s safe. 

  • Always be escorted to your tent after dark.

  • Don’t make any sharp movements when you’re close to an animal.

  • Don’t wear dark-colored (black, dark blue) clothing during the day because dark colors tend to attract tsetse flies.

Staying Safe From the Wildlife

You must stay inside your vehicle when going on a game drive. Even if a sweet baby elephant is in front of you, stay inside your vehicle. Don’t get too close to snap a picture. Use the zoom option instead. Even animals that look super cuddly and cute can sometimes be dangerous.

Which Animals Are Considered Dangerous? 

When it comes to wildlife, there are many dangerous animals, both large and small. Thus, it is surprisingly difficult to pinpoint the most dangerous animal in Tanzania. A major reason is that danger can come in many forms. 

We have listed a few animals you might want to watch from a safe distance. 

The Big Five

The Big Five, a term coined by colonial-era hunters, were considered most dangerous when hunted on foot. The Big Five are lions, African elephants, cape buffaloes, leopards, and black rhinos. These animals are typically highly aggressive when cornered or aggravated. 

Which animal do you think is the most dangerous among the Big Five? While it's no surprise that you might have assumed the lion or cheetah, the correct answer is the cape buffalo. The cape buffalo is the most dangerous animal among the Big Five. They will actually pursue or ambush hunters when they feel that they are under threat.

Other Contenders

Apart from the Big Five, there are other animals you want to stay as far away as possible from. One such animal is the hippo and the crocodile. These beasts have jaws that are almost four times stronger than those of hyenas.

Tanzania Safari Safety Tips - Honey Badgers

People often overlook honey badgers. This small creature is one of the strongest, most brutal, and most ferocious beasts. In fact, these beasts will take on anyone if the need arises. It will take on a lion, a cheetah, a leopard, or a hyena, no problem. 

But one species is super dangerous in Africa. This species is often not taken seriously at all. The species we are talking about is…the mosquito. This tiny, malaria-transmitting species has caused the most human fatalities. So, as we had mentioned earlier, research any medication and vaccinations needed before going on a safari. 

Stay Safe With These Safari Safety Tips

It's always best when you think of yourself as visitors to the animals' home. What do you do when you visit another person’s home?  You act respectfully, and you don’t make a nuisance of yourself. The same applies here. The less you interfere with the day-to-day lives of wildlife, the better.

With proper research backed up by a trusted tour operator, you will enjoy a safe and unforgettable safari experience. So, what are you waiting for? Book a safari now, and get ready to explore Tanzania, the most ethereal place on planet Earth.