Luxury Tanzania Safaris | Sababu Safaris

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The Magic of a Night Game Drive

Various modes of game viewing offer distinct encounters with animals in their natural habitats. During a morning game drive, one can relish the spectacle of the resplendent African sunrise while observing the awakening of wildlife. This time of day, predators are particularly active, presenting an enthralling opportunity to witness their prowess in action.

On the other hand, an afternoon game drive concludes just before the emergence of nocturnal creatures. As daylight wanes, you return to camp, capturing glimpses of animals transitioning from diurnal to nocturnal activities. The air becomes electric with the anticipation of the nocturnal world stirring to life.

For a completely unique game viewing experience, a night game drive reveals a hidden realm that is seldom witnessed during daylight hours. This nocturnal expedition unveils the captivating presence of predatory species and other elusive creatures that thrive under the cover of darkness. The darkness is pierced by the glow of spotlights, offering glimpses into the mysteries of the nocturnal realm.

Embracing these diverse game viewing options allows adventurers to fully appreciate the multifaceted wonders of the wild. Each time of day offers a unique opportunity to witness nature's marvels through a distinct lens.

What is a Night Game Drive?

A night game drive is an adventure in Tanzania that involves tracking and viewing wildlife at night in the comfort of a safari vehicle. It gives you an exclusive opportunity to see nocturnal animals such as:

  • Genets

  • Porcupines

  • Civet cats

  • Aardvarks

  • Cape hares

  • White-tailed mongoose

  • Bush Baby

Reasons Why a Night Drive is Magical

Imagine a tranquil environment with fewer crowds, twinkling eyes, slinking leopards, and the silent footsteps of an approaching elephant herd. Get to see the wild preparing to go to sleep, while nocturnal animals start their day.

Here are the magical elements to expect during a night game drive.

Thrilling Atmosphere

The darkness in the wild is exciting, and the cool air and breeze make it a different experience altogether. The unfamiliar sounds of the wild at night contribute to the thrill. The roles feel reversed at night, since many of the animals will see you long before you are able to spot them.

Unique and Elusive Animals

Many nocturnal animals are peculiar-looking to some of us, and a night game drive allows you to see them when they come out to play and hunt. Chances of rare sightings of unique animals such as the porcupine are much higher on a night game drive.

Besides small mammals, the cover of darkness provides the perfect opportunity to experience predators such as the leopard, lion and spotted hyena stalking their prey when they go on a hunt at night.

During the day, leopards blend in well with their surroundings, making it difficult to spot them. However, the spotlights used on night game drives help uncover their mystery and provide the chance to get a glimpse of them prowling on their prey.

Magical Stargazing Experience

While you enjoy the natural world around you during a night game drive, remember to look up at the stars. The views of the sky are uninterrupted at night, and the lack of light pollution gives you a clear picture from the safari vehicle.Stargazing enthusiasts have the opportunity to see the Milky Way during a night game drive. 

Unique Sounds in the Wild

The enthralling sounds of the owlet are as unique as they are, and they are just one example of the remarkable sounds heard during night game drives. You can hear bizarre noises from the thickets, the chirping sounds of crickets, and howling sounds of predators that contribute to the thrilling feeling during a night game drive. For example, expect to hear the grunts of lions, the eerie sounds of nightjars, reed frogs, and the infamous “whoop” of hyenas communicating at night.

Brightened Grasslands

Night drives are only possible with a spotlight brightening up the grasslands in the wild, making it easier to see the animals’ eyes and identify where they are. As much as the light helps locate the animals, it is customary not to shine the lights directly into the animals’ eyes so as to not disturb them.

A night game drive provides a perfect opportunity to be alone with nature and capture the darkness of the African bush with your camera using a long exposure. It is best to be cautious when using the camera’s flash because it can scare the animals away and damage their eyes.


A night game drive provides you with the opportunity to see nocturnal creatures you may have never encountered before. When you opt for a game drive after sunset, the experience can transform your comprehension and experience of the wild.

Experience the thrill of the night! Embark on an extraordinary adventure of a night game drive today. Contact us to book your unforgettable journey now!